Thursday, May 15, 2008

This and That

Well, I wouldn't want to outright copy Sheepish Annie's Wednesday Night Bullet Post, but I haven't thought of anything else to call it yet ... I'll work on that.

Fun blog of the week would be this one, regularly posting about things that are younger than presidential hopeful John McCain. Not coincidentally, last summer when I was waiting in line at airport security, the woman ahead of me (talking on the phone) said, "Oh my god, John McCain is in line ahead of me. Wow, he's really old!"

Interesting books that people are reading on the bus this week would be The Omnivore's Dilemma and Eat, Pray, Love both of which I have heard (from reliable sources) are good.

Epiphany: I could call it Thursday's This and That (TTT) for my mid-week ramblings? What do you think, Sue and Susan?

I worked a split shift the other day and somehow found myself at Depth of Field on my way to the train station. Ok, it's true I don't usually take the train home, but on Tuesday it seemed like a good idea. Remember that electric blue bag I saw at Shepherds Harvest last weekend? Well, I found some electric blue sock yarn to satisfy that newfound need. It was a cloudy/rainy day and I needed something to brighten it.

I'm not sure why I find the need to justify that.

I finished The Book of Air and Shadows which I liked a lot, and started Smile When You're Lying. It's quite enjoyable, really, if a bit self indulgent. Perhaps travel writing is always self indulgent.

And last night we watched Goya's Ghosts which was very good. Natalie Portman and Javier Bardem made for a good combo. I'll have to read a bit more on the Napoleonic occupation of Spain and what happened after Pepe Botellas left - I seem to have missed that bit of history class.

That's it for the first TTT. Lunch break is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it! I don't know if I'm the Susan you had in mind, but I like TTT.